Shahnewaz Karim Sakib
Assistant Professor
Computer Science and Engineering
University of Tennessee, Chattanooga
I am thrilled to share that I have joined the University of Tennessee Chattanooga as a Tenure Track Assistant Professor in Computer Science and Engineering! After earning my Ph.D. in Computer Engineering with a focus on Secure and Reliable Computing from Iowa State University, I am ready to dive into this exciting new chapter.
Research Interests
I am looking for motivated students interested in research within the realms of Trustworthy AI and Federated Learning. For further details, please click the link provided below
S. K. Sakib "Variations and extensions of information leakage metrics with applications to privacy problems with imperfect statistical information"
S. K. Sakib "Measures of information leakage for incomplete statistical information: Application to a binary privacy mechanism"
What's New
Our paper titled "Variations and Extensions of Information Leakage Metrics with Applications to Privacy Problems with Imperfect Statistical information" got selected for presentation at the AGI Leap Summit 2024!
Our paper titled "Evaluation of Privacy-Utility Tradeoff in Generative Adversarial Network Variants" got accepted in ISDFS 2024!
Joined UTC! Looking forward to the new chapter!